
group of children smiling on playground

Community Tuition

June 25, 2024

We are excited to share that moving forward, Variable Tuition will be known as Community Tuition. While the nuts and bolts of this approach to tuition will remain the same, the way we talk about it will change.

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two students receiving award on stage

Grace Receives Montgomery County Recycling Award

June 25, 2024

Grace Episcopal Day School was honored to receive recognition from Montgomery County for their Outstanding Efforts in Waste Reduction and Recycling.

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student artwork of city

Second Annual Celebration of Learning

June 25, 2024

On May 30, Grace held it’s Second Annual Celebration of Learning, a culminating event to showcase the deeper learning that took place in each classroom over the course of the school year.

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hands drawing with charcoal behind quote

Einat Moskof & Jessica Boritz present at MAESA

November 29, 2023

In November, Einat Moskof and Jessica Boritz presented at the MAESA Early Childhood conference. The topic of their interactive presentation was The Early Childhood Atelier: Cultivating growth and relationships
through materials. Click here to learn more about their presentation.

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6 students in front of bulletin board, student council officers

Student Council Speeches 23-24

November 27, 2023

Each year at Grace, we hold an election for Student Council officers. This student leadership group helps to build culture and community and lead initiatives that can enhance school life.…

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teacher and students looking at drawings of rainforest on board

First Annual Celebration of Learning

July 18, 2023

On June 1, Grace held our first annual Celebration of Learning, a culminating event to uplift our students’ thoughtful, creative work from the school year.

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Tree Logo for Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education

Grace Recertified as Green School of Maryland

July 18, 2023

Grace was honored to be recertified as a Green School of Maryland this spring. We are so grateful to the leadership and work of Christine Comas and Marisa Martucci to complete this process for recertification. Click here to learn more.

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Art to Teacher to Atelierista Presentation

Jessica Boritz Presents at NAEA Conference

May 10, 2023

In early April, Jessica Bortiz, Grace Art Teacher & Atelierista, presented at the National Art Education Association Convention in San Antonio. Jessica’s talk was entitled, “From Art Teacher to Atelierista: Applying Reggio-Inspired Practices to Enrich Student-Centered Learning…with Beauty.” Click here to read more about her presentation.

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