Mission and Vision
Learn more about our new mission statement here.
Living the Grace Episcopal Day School Mission
At Grace, every student, every teacher, every staff member and administrator lives the mission. Our mission shows in the care and warmth visitors witness here and students and staff feel every day. It lives in students who jump out of bed in the morning eager to come to school, in an approach to learning that cultivates a culture of thinking, in teachers committed to continual professional development. It shows in our diversity – in students, teachers, and families of many faiths, cultures, and colors who all belong as equals to this community. It shows in bold artistic displays and student public speaking, in the service learning experiences that connect us to the broader community, and in children and families who know that strength of character – humility, resilience, empathy, and courage – is just as important as academic excellence.
Our Diversity Mission Statement
Grace Episcopal Day School is a community of students, teachers, parents, and administrators that cares about and respects all people within and outside the walls of the school. We model and teach love for all humanity, and we value the contributions and perspectives of each individual. Our community welcomes all who share these values regardless of differences such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, family composition, sexual orientation, disability, and socio-economic status. Grace Episcopal Day School is committed to preparing students to live, work, and thrive in a diverse America and a global society.
Our Vision for the Future
Grace Rising: Elevating Grace to Grow, Thrive, and Lead
To ensure that we can continue our mission-driven work for decades to come, Grace leaders continually engage in a thorough strategic planning process. The current version of the strategic plan articulates our vision, outlines concrete goals, and elucidates the connection between our plans for the future and the Grace Episcopal Day School mission.