An Invitation
to Wonder

An Invitation to Wonder

What does it look like when a school founded to reflect the rich diversity of Greater Washington lives its mission? And when that school specializes in the wonder years of childhood, from age 2 through Grade 5? What happens when master teachers curate beautiful learning spaces filled with opportunities to explore? And when students leap into learning with open minds and hearts, free to wonder, to question, to create, and to relate to others with empathy and kindness? The answer is Grace.

What Grounds Us

Fun Facts

graduate hat for private school

Teachers with advanced degrees

11 acres of land at private school in Maryland

Acres of land

Dog icon


Visits from a therapy dog

student support icon

Types of student support available

Tree icon

Trees over 100 years old

Maryland Green School

Years as a certified MD Green School

Grace News

group of children smiling on playground

Community Tuition

We are excited to share that moving forward, Variable Tuition will be known as Community Tuition. While the nuts and bolts of this approach to tuition will remain the same, the way we talk about it will change.

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two students receiving award on stage

Grace Receives Montgomery County Recycling Award

Grace Episcopal Day School was honored to receive recognition from Montgomery County for their Outstanding Efforts in Waste Reduction and Recycling.

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student artwork of city

Second Annual Celebration of Learning

On May 30, Grace held it’s Second Annual Celebration of Learning, a culminating event to showcase the deeper learning that took place in each classroom over the course of the school year.

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New Gryphon’s Popsicle PlayDate

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Required Forms Deadline

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Congratulations Class of 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! On June 7, our Grade 5 Gryphons officially became Grace Alumni.


Grade 2 “Kensington Remix” Art Display

As part of their PBL unit, Grade 2 artists have been playing with visual elements of Kensington’s unique architecture. You may visit Kensington Park Library to see their “Kensington Remix” mixed media art on display until April 12th.