Grade 5 Chapel Prayers

The end of the school year brings many wonderful events, but one of the most moving is our final chapel. During this time, Grade 5 students share prayers that they have written about Grace and their experiences here. It’s especially wonderful to hear about Grace from the student perspective. Please enjoy!

Dear Lord . . . 

When I first started in preschool I was sitting alone when someone walked up to me and asked if I wanted to play with him. Little did I know that would pave the way for many good things to come. All of the teachers I’ve had were very nice and everyone was so kind and open. From the boys vs. girls war to the infamous SSATs. I have mostly good, and some not so good, memories of the school; but I know as I grow older, the good will outshine the bad and become great. I want to thank all those who have given me obstacles that have led to achievements. From teachers to the students, it is the people that make Grace the place.

I have been at Grace my whole life and I have made so many friends over the years. When I first walked in to my preschool classroom I wanted to leave. But when I looked around everyone was smiling and it helped me feel better. My teachers have really helped me prepare myself for middle school. I’ve had so many fun moments at Grace, like field day, special events, recess, and classes. I’m very thankful to be a part of Grace.

I have almost been here my whole life. I started in preschool and I have made lots of friends. I have had lots of “hills” in my journey at Grace that have made me a better person. I’m thankful for my mom and dad for taking me here. I am also thankful for my friends for working with me and helping me. I’m grateful for this school’s kindness and I hope it always stays that way.

You have blessed me since the day I walked into this school. I came to Grace when I was four years old, but it feels like I’ve been here my whole life. I have enjoyed my time here because no one is too serious about anything and all are willing to have some fun. Thank you for the teachers who have taken the time to teach me not just academics, but how to be a good friend.

I came to Grace in Kindergarten. I knew this was the place for me on my first day, even though the person I said “hi” to ran outside the class. I love this place because it always makes me smile. When a teacher greets you at the door, you know it’s going to be a good day. From building in the makerspace, to making dance routines at recess, to playing magic ball in P.E., every moment has had meaning here. I hope I can take my “inner Grace” everywhere I go. Thank you to everyone in the Grace community who’ve made me feel loved countless times.

I came to Grace in Kindergarten. I had been to one other school so I wasn’t that enthusiastic about going to Grace because I liked that school a lot. But in just a month I liked Grace more, and now I’m thankful that I had the chance to go to this school. I am also thankful for all my teachers and friends.

When I started at Grace I was six. I was very shy. I didn’t talk to anybody, but over time I started making friends. I made many friends, and one time they were arguing over who was going to play with me because they all wanted to play with me. Now we are all friends and I will never forget who they are. All my teachers have really cared for me, and I have really enjoyed being a student here. I am very thankful for my experience at Grace and I’ve had a great time here. I hope all students who come here next will enjoy Grace as much as I have.

I came to Grace when I was in first grade. I was greeted with a smile and soon I felt less scared. Grace has been like a second family to me. I always felt accepted as a part of Grace. But the best thing about Grace is that nobody gets left out; whether it is games, activities, or the class. Please, Lord, don’t let Grace change.

I have been at Grace since I was seven years old. On my first day in second grade I was very scared, but by the end of the day I had made lots of friends. Since then, the teachers have been welcoming and no one is mean. I want to thank God and my parents for allowing me to go to Grace. God, please don’t let this place change.

I’ve been at Grace since third grade. It has always been a special place to me. The students and staff have always been polite and kind to me. I will always love Grace for all the kind people that helped me when I was struggling, sad, and not feeling well. I hope this school will always stay the same.

. . . Lord in your mercy.