Please join Melissa Lafionatis to learn more about Grace. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 834 5555 7493 Passcode: 716531 One tap mobile +16465588656,,83455557493#,,,,*716531# US (New York) +13017158592,,83455557493#,,,,*716531# US (Washington DC)
Join us for a “sneak peek” into your child’s next grade and classroom. At these meetings families can learn about the progression in our curriculum, academic highlights, and special activities, as well as meet your child’s next homeroom teacher(s).
Please join us for the State of The School virtual event on Thursday, February 10. You'll hear from Head of School Jennifer Danish on important updates at Grace!
Come celebrate the past and future of our school with a special chapel service, remarks from the Head of School, a young alumni panel of guest speakers, and faculty & staff anniversary recognition!