Bokamoso Assembly

Come see Bokamoso perform at Assembly: January 24, 2:00 pm (Please note start time)Grace is excited to welcome back performers from Bokamoso Youth Center to our school!  Come join us at Assembly on Friday, January 24 at 2:00 pm and welcome these vibrant performers from South Africa as they share their talents and stories with us.…

PTO Book Fair and Dine-Out: Politics and Prose / Comet Ping Pong

Politics and Prose Book Drive, Saturday, Jan 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm:  Our goal is to collect as many books for our classrooms and library as possible. Faculty and staff have created wish lists of new books that will inspire wonder and nurture our children's love of literature. Politics and Prose generously gives 20%…

Transition Meetings: Current Kindergarten-Grade 4

From 8:30-9:00 in the library, join us for refreshments and hear the State of the School presentation. From 9:00-9:45, spend time in next year’s classroom with current students and teachers, followed by time for a teacher Q&A.