
Zoom links have been sent by email and included in the Gryphon News.

Healing Prayer Service with The Reverend Susan Thon

Parents and faculty are invited to join The Reverend Susan Thon, our School Chaplain, for 8:00 am Wednesday morning prayer services. Zoom details were sent by email and included in the Gryphon News (9.10.20).


Zoom links have been sent by email and included in the Gryphon News.

Healing Prayer Service with The Reverend Susan Thon

Parents and faculty are invited to join The Reverend Susan Thon, our School Chaplain, for 8:00 am Wednesday morning prayer services. Zoom details were sent by email and included in the Gryphon News (9.10.20).


Zoom links have been sent by email and included in the Gryphon News.

Grade 5 Dinner

Zoom details have been shared with Grade 5 families.

Grade 5 Graduation

Grade 5 families and guests will attend in person. Everyone else is invited to watch live on our Facebook page.