Grace Episcopal Day School
Racial Justice Summer Institute
Proudly Presents
Effective Strategies for Talking About Race & Racism in the Preschool to Grade 5 Classroom

We know that young children notice race, but we don’t always know how to engage our students on the topic in healthy and productive ways. Join Preschool through 5th grade educators for a summer racial justice institute hosted by Grace Episcopal Day School. Join us for a workshop designed especially for elementary school educators on engaging young children in conversations about race and racism. Participants will learn about healthy racial identity development, how young children internalize messages about race, and how to have conversations about race with children, and their families, in ways that are age-appropriate, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed.

Jessy Molina - Founder, Molina Consulting
Jessy Molina is a nationally recognized trainer and facilitator on issues of diversity, equity, and social justice. An experienced facilitator, Jessy has trained thousands of people at nonprofits, companies, law firms, schools, colleges and universities, and other institutions to recognize and dismantle bias, develop the language and courage to discuss race, create equitable policies and practices, explore the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, gender identity, religion, culture and more, and begin building a more just world.
To learn more about Jessy, please visit