Early Childhood Education at Grace

Preschool and Prekindergarten

Honoring Childhood, Empowering Children

Our early childhood program is dedicated to providing a warm, nurturing environment where children’s ideas and abilities are developed through engaging, authentic learning experiences. An environment rich in play, discovery, research, and collaboration promotes high-level thinking skills, problem-solving capabilities, enhanced language development, and empathy. With an average class size of 13 students, our highly trained teachers are attuned to each child’s growth and development.

Reggio-inspired Learning in a Joyful Environment

Our pedagogical approach toward our youngest students is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy. Our child-centered program is guided by a few core principles:

two children, one helping the other put on a bike helmet
Children are capable and possess inherent rights and potentials
young boy and teacher exploring clay
Teachers are co-researchers and guides; they carefully observe and document learning
group of children mixing green liquids
Projects develop from the group’s interests and are grounded in play, communication, & collaboration
young boy and girl playing in dirt
The environment is the “third teacher,” provoking theories and wonder
young girl playing with clay
Children express and communicate in a multitude of ways, often referred to as The 100 Languages of Children
child and adult reading together
Families are our essential partners, integrating diverse wisdoms into our learning community

With these principles as our guideposts, our Preschool and Prekindergarten programs cultivate important social and emotional skills alongside creative and critical thinking. Pre-literacy and numeracy skills are interwoven into authentic, carefully scaffolded learning experiences. Our intentional, emergent curriculum builds self-confidence and a true love of learning.

group of girls and teacher reading